
General News

28 February, 2024

Stephen Mueller gains international attention for the river blackfish

ELINGAMITE'S Stephen Mueller had spent years trying to revive the native fish species, the river blackfish.

By wd-news

Support needed: Stephen Mueller has been trying to get to the bottom of the mystery which surrounds the native blackfish breed at his Elingamite property.
Support needed: Stephen Mueller has been trying to get to the bottom of the mystery which surrounds the native blackfish breed at his Elingamite property.

He was the first to breed the blackfish in a farm setting and successfully campaigned to see 16 mature blackfish into the pondage at Camp Cooriemungle, which is part of the Curdies River system.

Mr Mueller had previously investigated releasing the fish into Lake Mumblin near Dixie, but was knocked back by authorities.

He has again began attempting to breed the fish at his property in a bid to understand them better.

Mr Mueller’s ongoing efforts with the blackfish have not gone unnoticed, and he recently featured in the Hatchery International March/April edition – which can be found online.

He said he was pleased about the coverage, which helped to increase the profile of the species.

Mr Mueller said funding was needed to continue breeding the fish in substantial numbers.

He said the blackfish was a secretive species with not a lot known about it.

“I thought I would answer some of the questions that we don’t know; like how to identify male from female,” Mr Mueller said.

“My focus is to find a breeding pair.”

He said he had been speaking with a variety of departments to try and gain funding to continue his work with the blackfish, which are now believed to be extinct in some areas.

“I’m just trying to get some support and funding to do something about the fish,” Mr Mueller said.

“Trying to get anything done to help the fish has been an impossible job.”

To find out more about Mr Mueller’s efforts visit the Blackfish Action Members Facebook page or visit


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