
General News

22 May, 2024

What do you want from the police?

LOCAL residents have been invited to complete Victoria Police’s annual Community Sentiment Survey.

By wd-news

What do you want from the police? - feature photo

The survey provides an opportunity for residents to share their safety concerns, how they would like to interact with police, and areas where police can focus efforts to help communities safe.

A Victoria Police spokesperson said the survey can be taken anonymously and should only take around five minutes to complete.

“The survey supports the Neighbourhood Policing Framework and is for people of all backgrounds who live, work and socialise in Victoria, the spokesperson said.

“The results of the survey will help inform the initiatives Victoria Police delivers to keep you and our communities safer.

“This includes working with partners on local safety plans to address the issues which are most important to you.”

To complete the survey, visit

Residents have until the end of May to complete the survey.

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